Sunday 10 August 2014

The King In The House: Christine

The first book of Stephen King I read, Christine.

Christine by Stephen King

Do you know what lives, even though it shouldn't? Do you know what has life, even though others of its kind don't? Do you know, what craves for revenge, even though others have done nothing wrong with it?

The answer to all the above questions is Christine. 

Christine is the name of that sinister looking Plymouth, that is lying in Arnie's garage.

If someone once told you that there is a car which has life and it does all kind of bad things to kill the ones it hates, would you believe him, OR would laugh at him and say that its not possible? 

Most of us would do the latter. But leave it to King to rake such a lame topic and change it into a full out horror novel, which actually has the potential to scare you and make you look twice outside the window, just to make sure that no other car, except your own, is in the driveway.

Trust me, this novel is great. It has got the perspectives of two friends, as they find themselves in a weird and tricky situation. We are able to see how the characters of the two friends change as the novel progresses. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who has taste in horror, has a bit of patience, and has great taste in reading good books. So, do read this book!!

Thanks for reading!!


Saturday 9 August 2014

The King in the house: The Shining

So, I thought of writing about the latest book that I have read.....

The Shining  by Stephen King

I had read one of King's book earlier, and I found it quite interesting. So, I thought of ordering one more book, and that happened to be "The Shining". 

It took me about 7-8 hours to read the novel. Pretty impressive if you ask me, considering the no. of pages and the size of the font of the book. I was able to achieve this feat mainly because the novel, in itself was very impressive.

King has done a wonderful job in writing the novel. Though it may appear that the first part of the novel is a little slow, but King makes up for it big time during the second and the third parts, when the suspense reaches at its epitome.

It was after a long time that a novel had actually scared me, considering the fact that the supposedly 'ghosts' or the supernatural beings weren't creepy, as you may find in other novels. The way King had brought the sense of eeriness in even the everyday objects, and the way he had written about a psychologically disturbed mind is just amazing.

We can see that in many novels, there is a protagonist and there is an antagonist but the way King has even JUSTIFIED the antagonism part of the novel is just exemplary.

Though, it is quite an old novel, as it was published in 1977, I am all praises for this novel. This is one of those books, that once you read them , you won't want want to re-read them. Not because they aren't good, but because of the memories of the goosebumps, you got the first time you read the novel.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Bookman

The First Blog.

So.... after getting some motivation from my teachers, I decided to do this.
By 'this' I mean writing Blogs.

So, the first question for me was to know the topic on which I would be writing blogs. I was suggested to write on what I love to do. So, that's what I would be doing, I guess.

I believe that from the time I would start writing the blogs, they would automatically take shape and I would be able to continue my series. At least, I hope so.

I am not much of a doordarshi or a long-sighted person (in fact, I am short sighted, literally), so what my plans are to go on writing about the books that I have read OR am going to read. I would try my best to not expose much of the plot, and still make you, the readers hungry for the book. Well, sort of.

What I believe, I would be writing my first review on the book.....I haven't thought of it yet. But I would be updating on it soon enough.

And yes,as I am new to blogging, please do share tips on writing good blogs in the comments.

Thanks for reading,
