Friday 24 October 2014

The King In The House: Carrie

Posting after 2 moths, huh?

Yup, I got a lot of stuff to write. I read a lot of books in these months and I was not able to wite due to my exams. Anyway, that is over.

So let's begin with one more book :

Carrie by Stephen King

So, this book is for those who love GORE. Yup, this book is as gory as it can get.Now before I again start with tying a string of praises for Stephen King, Let me just tell you that: THIS BOOK IS SHORT. 

It is a real short book, which a ardent reader can get away in about 3 hours, but if you ask me, try to read this book in a longer duration than your usual speed. This is important in getting the full essence of this book.

Well, This book is about a girl named Carrie who is quite the quiet person of her school (see what I did there?) . Her 'friends' tease her a lot, and she also gets no respite even at home, where her mother, a strict christian, tries to tie her social life. So, when things get out of control, it is actually a sight to see for the whole city, literally.

I wouldn't disclose anymore of the novel for you all, but be sure to check out this novel if you have few hours to kill and make yourself productive at the same time.

Thanks for reading,

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